Monday, January 4, 2010

Daily Digest for 01/04/2010


    john st claire <> Jan 04 12:22AM -0800 ^
    How is it possible to reject all courts, laws and statutes while requiring the party you're transacting with to swear, "under penalty of perjury?"  
    Who's penalty?  Enforced by whom?
    John St. Claire

    --- On Sun, 1/3/10, <> wrote:
    From: <>
    Subject: [creditors-in-commerce] Notice of Understanding and Intent An...
    Date: Sunday, January 3, 2010, 7:25 PM
    I've shared Notice of Understanding and Intent An...
    Message from
    I've added a new document that Donna has graciously sent to me. Thank you Donna. I have made no changes to Donna's document except to add paragraph spacing so it is more readable than it was in the format she sent it to me in. The lack of formatting was not Donna's fault in any way. I'm sure Donna and maybe others will be surprised to learn that I consider most of the statements made to be quite true and correct.
    Click to open:
    Notice of Understanding and Intent An...
    Google Docs makes it easy to create, store and share online documents, spreadsheets and presentations.

    Colin <> Jan 03 11:39PM -0800 ^
    Hey Dan. Brandon has defined Creditor in many places and there have
    been a few variables so we would want to refer to where he defined the
    term that gave you this understanding.
    It is my understanding that a Creditor by Brandon's basic definition
    is "One who brings remedy to all situations they are a party to" Or
    something similar. I know he does refer to his students of commerce
    as creditors but I believe his basic criteria is self responsibility
    and a willingness to remedy conflicts. Lets keep in mind that his
    definition of Creditor pertains to students of commerce and there are
    nearly identical terms that apply all the same criteria those who are
    not students of commerce. We would probably call them Fully
    Responsible Individuals.
    I dont think he is saying that you have to be aware of how commerce
    works to be a responsible person and he definitely is not judging
    anyone and saying that people who are aware of commerce are better or
    more qualified or anything.
    A creditor is basically just a responsible and aware person and there
    is no judgment of others and their views. We are all where we are in
    our own time lines and Brandon respects everyone as they are. He is
    just saying that if you have come to the realization that a change
    needs to be made, certain ideas may help you get where you are
    His definition of Perfect is "Complete". The system is complete and
    fully functional as it is. The operators are what may need to be
    addressed, not the "system".



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